PRD 10064-1 Thermal Resistor Thermistor Mount 247AS-C1833-004 (101)

PRD 10064-1 Thermal Resistor Thermistor Mount 247AS-C1833-004 (101) - Dave's Hobby Shop by W5SWL

PRD 10064-1 Thermal Resistor Thermistor Mount 247AS-C1833-004 (101)

Our stock # is UC10107
We have 0 in stock ... Enjoy!

RF Connectors & Gadgets:
  • PRD Electronics
  • Completely untested and without any warranty of it working, it is as found
  • No Return
  • Priced accordingly
  • You will need to clean the connector and waveguide and waveguide probes
  • There may be surface dirt and powder
  • Google for more specs if needed
  • Used
  • Enjoy!

Quality Products for the More Knowledgeable and Experienced User !

From W5SWL