Precision RF connectors and adapters are used in exacting applications where both high performance and known performance is needed and expected. Precision connectors are designed to mate with select other connectors and the user must be mindful of this otherwise the connectors most probably will be damaged. The size is determined by the diameter of the air dielectric.
1.0 mm - Use with only other 1.0mm connectors. Current Fo max is 110 GHz
1.85 mm - Use with other 1.85mm and 2.4mm connectors. Current Fo max is 70 GHz
2.4 mm - Use with other 2.4mm and 1.85mm connectors. Current Fo max is 50 GHz
2.92 mm - Use with other 2.92mm, 3.5mm and SMA connectors. Current Fo max is 40 GHz
3.5 mm - Use with other 3.5mm, 2.92mm and SMA connectors. Current Fo max is 34 GHz
The APC-7 (APC7 7mm Amphenol Precision Connector) series is also a precision connector or adapters, we have those listed in a separate category on this website
Be very mindfil of what connectors the precision connectors or adapters will mate to - otherwise you can easily ruin a expensive RF component!